What kind of church Is First Baptist Church of Lake Orion (FBCLO)?

We are an independent Baptist church.  By independent, we simply mean that we are self-governing, not tied to a denominational organization or hierarchy.


We are also a biblically separatist Baptist church, which simply means that we hold the Bible to be our authority and source for our faith and practice.  By extension, then, we will discerningly separate and not cooperate or fellowship with those churches, organizations, and individuals that we believe would compromise our scriptural integrity and biblical testimony.


We are, however, distinctly Baptist (by conviction, not by denomination), holding to the historical Baptist distinctives, as outlined in the following acrostic:


B   Biblical Authority (the Bible is our sole authority for what we believe and what we do)

A   Autonomy of the local church (local churches are self-governing)

P   Priesthood of all believers (each believer can approach God directly because of their personal relationship with

      Christ, without the need of a human mediator/priest)

T   Two ordinances (baptism by immersion, the Lord's Supper)

   Individual soul liberty (individuals are personally accountable to God for their actions)

S   Saved church membership (one must be a believer to be a member of a local church)

T   Two offices (pastors and deacons)

S   Separation of church and state (separate, God-established responsibilities for each)

What are FBCLO's ministries & service times?
What are the daily church office hours?
What Bible translation does FBCLO use in its services?
What kind of music is used in the church's services?